Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Now is always now

Time to begin again writing adding blogposts. During the pandemic I've been dormant, hibernating like some old bear up in the mountains. Well, that's not quite true. I've been doing a lot of journal writing and trying to wrestle poems and ideas from the journals. Still, it's time to begin again with the practice of Zen blogs and Zen writing. Bear with me. And forgive me for a silly pun.

I thought a good place to start is with a wonderful poem by my friend J.B. Bryan, a cantankerous Zentista who lives in Albuquerque. He's a poet, painter and a "collagist." Is there such a word? He's always putting together random pieces of things into stews, art pieces, music and his life. For instance, in the photograph above J.B. had just served me tea in the adobe teahouse he had built in his studio in Placitas. He had studied the traditions and created his own ceremony, based on the traditions, but with his own utensils and what seemed appropriate for his practice. 


a body such as this body
tosses back its antlers &
spins them like a propeller

skull finally work
iris, planet, sun
I won’t spend a dime

Great Faith
Great Doubt
Great Effort

O the universe has a wit
easily tasted in green leaves
boiled with water

what’s the bloodstream?
but a river of huge loves &
thunderous flowers of combustion!

be sure to practice everyday

––JB Bryan 

Remember: On Sunday mornings 10AM Mountain Time, we are having Zoom services (brief chanting, a 40 minute period of zazen, and a dharma talk). We also have a lively Wednesday evening book club at 6PM. Write me at bbyrd@cincopuntos.com for the appropriate links. 

Be well. Sit strong. Practice wisdom and compassion. If you miss the mark, oh well, remember now is always now. 

Bobby Kankin Byrd
Guiding Teacher